Create a new employee.

This endpoint creates a deactivated employee in Kenjo, the 'isActive' field set to false. To activate an employee use the put /activate method. This method will send an activation message to the employee email to complete the activation through the onboarding wizard.

The field email is required and must be unique. Also firstName, lastName and companyId are required fields. If the work schedule is not provided, working days defined in the company will be used as default. If there is no working days defined in the company, all the days of the week except Saturdays and Sundays are set to true. If the language is not specified, the assigned company language will be set by default.

Custom fields information can be provided in this operation for the personal, work, address, financial and home sections. The API name of the custom field is required and the data format has to match with the type defined for the custom field in Kenjo.
API names start with 'c_' and the rest is composed by the trimmed name (spaces are removed).


The custom field 'Activity type' belongs to the section 'work':

  "work": {
    "c_Activitytype": "1",

'Activity type' is a field type 'List' (Strings list) with the possible values: "1", "2" and "3". It means that if a different value or type is provided then the request will return an error.

If the operation get success then an inactive employee is created and the response will include the provided information and the Kenjo id for the new employee.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!