JUMP TOGETTING STARTEDGenerate API keysManaging API KeysKenjo APIAuthenticationLog in an API token.postLog out an API token.postUser accountsReturn a list of users.getAttendanceReturn an attendance for a given attendance id.getUpdate an attendance for a given attendance id.putDelete an attendance for a given attendance id.deleteReturn a list of attendances.getCreate a new attendance.postTrack an attendance entry.postReturn a list of attendance categories.getReturn a list of expected times.getCompaniesReturn a list of companies.getOfficesReturn a list of offices.getCreate a new office.postReturn an office for a given office id.getUpdate an office for a given office id.putDelete an office for a given office id.deleteDepartmentsReturn a list of departments.getCreate a new department.postReturn a department for a given department id.getUpdate a department for a given department id.putDelete a department for a given department id.deleteTeamsReturn a list of teams.getCreate a new team.postReturn a team for a given team id.getUpdate a team for a given team id.putDelete a team for a given team id.deleteAreasReturn a list of areas.getCreate a new area.postReturn a area for a given area id.getUpdate an area for a given area id.putDelete an area for a given area id.deleteCalendarsReturn a list of calendars.getReturn a calendar for a given calendar id.getEmployeesCreate a new employee.postReturn a list of user accounts.getReturn all the sections information for a given employee Id.getReturn a list of employee accounts.getReturn a list of employee personals.getReturn a list of employee works.getReturn a list of employee work schedules.getReturn a list of employee addresses.getReturn a list of employee financials.getReturn a list of employee homes.getUpdate the account section for a given employee id.putUpdate the personal section for a given employee id.putUpdate the work section for a given employee id.putUpdate the work schedule section for a given employee id.putUpdate the address section for a given employee id.putUpdate the financial section for a given employee id.putUpdate the home section for a given employee id.putActivate an employee.putDeactivate an employee.putCustom fieldsReturn a list of custome fields.getTime offCreate a new time-off request.postReturn a list of time-off requests.getReturn a list of time-off types.getReturn a list of time-off statuses.getCreate a new time-off request already approved.postCompensationReturn a list of contracts.getReturn a list of contract types.getReturn a list of salaries.getReturn a list of additional payments.getReturn a list of additional payment types.getDocumentsReturn a list of company documents.getRecruitingReturn a list of existing positions (job openings).getReturns a list of existing candidates.getCreate a new candidatepostUpdate an existing candidate. You can include custom fields in the body of the request.putAdd an attachment to a candidatepostReturn a list of applications. It will include custom fields, if any.getCreate an application for a candidate in a specific position. You can include custom fields in the body of the request.postUpdate an existing application. You can include custom fields in the body of the request.putAdd an attachment to an applicationpostPowered by Return a list of company documents.get https://sandbox-api.kenjo.io/api/v1/documents/companyThis endpoint returns a paginated list of the company documents.